Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Writers' League #9: God's Best Requires Rest

"Living for God begins with resting in Him."

"Find your rest in God, and you will find the best rest."

"There is no better place to lay down but in God's arms."

Yes, after God created everything... He rested on the 7th day to remind us that we all need to take a pause and rest in His sweet Presence."

The world is so busy right now. There are countless things that cover us up. From the moment we wake up (if we still have the chance to sleep), to that glorious moment when we get the 2 hours blessing to sleep, we have to finish the requirements of the day. As a student for almost 15 years, I'm still not good at time management. I don't know why, but my to-do-lists always seem to acquire only 1 out of 10 checks.

For example, I need to do some computer works, I waste my 3 hours facing the computer accomplishing 0 percent. Bravo! Yeah, the planning and thinking part is the most crucial. Every single night, I open the Microsoft Word, look at the blank page for minutes, close the tab, open the Chrome, check on my FB account, and suddenly I realize, another day has passed... it's already 1 or 2 in the morning. But of course, I will not let the day go by without doing something, so I open again the Microsoft Word, and I realize, "Yeah, I need to go to bed first. Tomorrow I'm sure I'd already be able to make a paragraph."

What a happy ending. :)

Hahahahaha. Kidding aside, I really want to get a sense of responsibility. To make the most of everyday. And I realize God's Word, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)

Yes, I have to rest. Not in my bed, not in my own comfort, but in God's Presence where peace and joy resides. By prayer and worship, I am able to rest. In quietness and trust, I am able to rest.

Therefore, GOD's peace is alive... especially in times of battle. GOD's rest is at hand, even in times of busyness. Therefore, when you feel like 24 hours is not enough to finish your tasks. Take a pause, not to go to bed. Kneel down, not to give up. Close your eyes, not to sleep. Rather, take a pause to find God. Kneel down, to talk to God. And close your eyes to pray to Him. And rest assured, God will extend your hours to give you enough time to finish all what you ought to do.

How can He do it? Of course, He owns all the TIME in the world. So, don't hesitate. Rest in God's arms because GOD's best requires rest.

Rest-stop God
by Dale Fredrickson

You are our rest-stop
Your sign reads
'Come' 'Eat' and 'Drink'
'Come' 'Taste' and 'See'
We breathe in and we breathe out
Slow and steady
Relaxed and ready
We step in, we let go, we open up
Love, peace, joy
Fills our cups

You are our rest-stop
You are always open
You never run out
You always help out
You know how to bring about
Hope, resiliency, creativity
You are the rest-stop God

We breathe in and we breathe out
We let go
Fears and failures
Worries and wants
You are Good!
You are so Good!
You are our rest-stop!

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