Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Writers' League #8: Students' Coffin

Let me tell you a story..
Once upon a time, I entered a university...
and I died.


Studying was derived from two not-so-different words...

Many of us, if not all, are experiencing challenges as university people. Wait, let me rephrase that. ALL OF US experience obstacles as university students... nobody is exempted.

There are countless tests one university student should pass. I'm not talking about the examinations merely (but it can be), I mean, the trials he need to solve in every area of his life.

Inside a typical classroom, there can be more or less 50 souls a teacher must take care of. Imagine, for an hour, you're a steward/stewardess of 50 different souls with every soul experiencing 100 problems. Therefore, 50 x 100 = 1500 problems you need to cater with solution. That's a HUGE challenge, literally.

So, who do we blame? Is it the school? Or the education? Let's put the University into trial. Supposing I was the attorney of the students in the case: University vs. Students...

University is facing 3 different cases. These are the following:

1. MULTIPLE HOMICIDE: defined as killing the students' mind, heart and body.
-Students are very caught up with the inconsiderate number of school works that usually, they tend to neglect their physical, emotional and mental state. They are not able to eat 3 times a day and exercise regularly. Instead of doing this, they'll just use up their energy in doing projects. Moreover, because their focus is always on the 5 pages of paper they need to fill in with 5000 words or a scrapbook they need to design using abaca or straw, they are not able to sleep straight 8 hours a day, causing the declination of their mental health. Furthermore, when these students already gave their best and they've got nothing else more to give, then the teacher don't appreciate their works or their performance, the students get more than heartbreaks.

CASE WINNER: The University. "Education gives us wisdom but with that comes the pressure of having to succeed. Life is about wisdom but it is worth more than the stress the system brings.

2. THEFT: defined as stealing the students time: family time, friends time, time alone, prayer time
-Students, because of the many things they need to accomplish before the DEADLIEST DEADLINE, they sacrifice their time for their other activities. Time is more precious than gold for these university students, and it is always stolen by these projects, assignments, researches etc.

CASE WINNER: The University. "Education is costly. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."

3. ESTAFA: defined as cheating on the students; the students pay the University for studying, what if the University do the vice versa?
-Students do the work. They are the ones who suffer, and they pay for their sufferings.

CASE WINNER: The University. "It's not the load that breaks you down. It's how you carry it."

Dear friends, in this battle, we are all victorious. Maybe you might think I am an activist. Well, you're losing the point. The thing is that, I want to make an emphasis, that with all these reasons of giving up... We are still victorious, especially because there is a God in the heavens above who supply our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

We are all survivors, conquerors in this warfare. With prayers, we are armored in the love of God.

Once upon a time...
I entered a university...
I died...


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