
Am I actually writing now? Hah. I don't say. This is really annoying. Okay, I get it. I'm talking pooooooooooooooointless. But it's not always necessary to have a point. Ah whatever! I just want to burst right now. I HAVE A BLOGSPOT! *fist* Maybe I'm too excited, or just plainly paranoid.. as usual. But nonetheless, I hope this page becomes a success and make me popular and provide me a key to a new house and a fancy sports car and lots of pizza with mozzarella cheese on top and pastas and junk foods and hollywood friends and... oh wait, let's go back to the KEY. I really don't need the key. Just the house with everything I mentioned in it. I'm not that demanding at all, ya know. *sarcastic face* (Pacoma, 2012)

The above statement was the description I wrote on my former blogspot account. It was how I described myself. But that was before.

Three years ago. Those were the things I used to say before. Those were my priorities. I used to orbit in the axis of my ego. I was too self-centered. My goals were too shallow. All I think about was popularity, pleasure, happiness and vanity.

And now, I was changed. I am CHANGED.

It's because of JESUS CHRIST.

Now, let me introduce myself the 2015 way:

Hi there! What's your name. I'm Jessa Pacoma.

I'm weak by my own.
I'm a servant.
I'm not able.
I'm nothing.
Yes, that's me. :)

But, I'm the most joyful person in the world. Why? Because...

Jesus is my strength.
Jesus is my Master.
Jesus is able.
Jesus is my everything.
Yes, that's Him! :)

Enjoy! God bless you o:)

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