Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Original Works (Poems)

The 365th Love

Love, I lay my eyes on you.
From the first of the days,
My affection for you stay true.
From the best of my ways,
Everything for you I'll do.
From the heights of my place,
I'll go wherever you are, too.
From the 1st to the 365th trace,
Love, your Father still adores you.

Yours forever, Jesus Christ

The 'Murderer's Victim' Love

It feels like forever riding in your half-dead bargain car,
Sitting beside you, I rooted my face towards the window far from your sight,
I'm dying to borrow Potter's invisible cape, I just need to escape,
This silence killing both of us, with the noise of unspoken broken hearts.

Yes, I clearly remember, we were on our way to forever,
But I guess we've taken the opposite road, going back to becoming strangers,
Too close, yet so far, too  far that I can't invade your soul anymore,
Maybe I need to drink my own poison called 'blame',  'cause my heart just lost your name.

My love for you is a dead battery, I don't know how I'll say it without you bleeding,
There's no reason to continue this lie, I did try, but I slowly die,
So I stopped you from driving, parked on the darkest misty part of the road,
And there I told you, our path is a dead end, and there's no other way to bend it.

"What happened to us? Seconds ago you were mine, and it was all fine,
What's wrong with you? Or is there something wrong with me?
Tell me, for I will let go of you even if it means suicide,
Tell me, for I can't tell you, what I bear inside."

I didn't respond, released none, I turned into a deaf-mute paralyze
He held my hand, freezing, like a shivering Eskimo
And for the first time, I saw a river rolling on his cheeks,
As he glued a piece of paper at the core of my palm.

I turned into a stone, a person he met never before,
A stone, resisting the begging of a piteous Sad Robin
A stone seeing a great light in front of her; getting bigger and bigger
Brighter and "Bang!"

I opened my eyes, I was a stone oozing with blood, but still breathing,
And he was there, wrapping his arms around me, lying lifeless,
A huge truck hit us, like reality crashing towards my head, he's dead,
Everything seems to be clearer now, I am a heartless murderer.

I felt like dead more than ever, harder than the stone I am,
Then I noticed something was in my hand, the love letter my victim gave me,
And there writes, "Happy Anniversary! You're all that I have, all that I am
I'd rather die than to live without you... for you are my love, my life."

What Love Looks Like

I know exactly what love looks like when I met her;
Love looks like a pineapple with her hair bunned upwards
Love looks like a teddy bear with her three-layer fluffy tummy ,
Love looks like a flawed commercial model with scars on her face;
Love is not perfectly pretty, but she's everything to me.

I know exactly what love did for me when I was a kiddo;
Love put up my diaper no matter how stinky it is,
Love carried me around her arms to stop me from crying,
Love cuddled me to sleep and read me bedtime stories,
Love is not a babysitting expert, but she seemed to have memorized me.

I know exactly what love does every single day;
Love shouts out my name from downstairs to taste her 'fried paksiw' every twelve noon,
Love leads my hand to massage her back every 6 in the evening,
Love kisses my forehead and lay me back to sleep during midnights,
Love is sometimes irritating, but I won't trade her for any other timelines.

I know exactly what love has sacrificed for me;
Love skipped dinners making sure I'll eat three times a day,
Love stayed up all night waiting for me to come home safely,
Love forgot her own needs to meet our wants,
Love doesn't have so much to give, but she's more than enough.

I know exactly what love is going through right now;
Love is sick but she would still prepare our breakfast,
Love is sick but she would still work for a living,
Love is sick but she won't go to the hospital to save money,
Love is sick, but she never showed she is.

Love is growing old, love is...
But I want love to know that I love her,
And even when she slowly forgets her memory,
I will always remember our love story..

because I know exactly who love is, and she loves me.

Praise be to our LORD JESUS CHRIST! <3 O:) (Phil4:13)

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