Sunday, January 3, 2016

Little World in Great Love

I am always thankful for my family. (1Chron39:14)
I was taught by God to forgive them; (Mic7:18)
To never give up on them, (Phil4:13)
To give of myself to these lovely pearls. (Acts20:35)
And above all, to LOVE THEM as God loved me. (Jo13:34)

I love my family so much, but I showed it too little. Now's the time to have courage and love... truly, LOVE is not love unless it is given away. ;)

Meet the Best Pretty Funny Nagging (peace xD) Loving Momma in the Whole Wide Universe!

Impossible as it can be, she knows how to MODEL. :D

We're pretty and we know it, blame it to our genes hahahahaha ;D

I thank God for the little moments of seeing her smile. #priceless
 Ma, I love you to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond. You're God's great treasure. I wouldn't trade any wealth or achievement in this world for the immeasurable chance of hearing you shout my name from downstairs each and every 9 in the morning, of enjoying your contagious laugh each time I tickle you, of massaging your thighs which is 4x bigger than mine, of answering your questions like "Am I fatter than her?" And expect me to always say "Ma, you're the sexiest woman in the planet"...

Ma, you're not feeling well right now, and I'm always telling you to pray... and believe in God through Jesus Christ that He'll heal you... He'll take all the pain away... then you would say, "Pray for me too, Day." You don't know how much it hurts me bigtime to see you ill. I don't show it to you... and I guess you feel like I just don't care about what you're going through right now... I know God is doing something right now. Ma, I love you. I love you with God's healing love <3 <3

Now meet Papa, the most reserved yet loving earthly father in the planet. ;)

Papa's on the right side. Obviously xD

Uhhhhh, her ladies. Pa, you're charm is still burning hahaha

Pa, I love youuuuu. We may not be that close, but I really am thankful that you're the one God gave me to be my earthly father. ;) You are so smart... and very practical. Your patience, your understanding,. it's superb. How could I ever thank you for all your sacrifices for us? Pa, one day you'll never wash your clothes, or go somewhere else, or fix the damages in the kitchen, 'cause I'll make you feel the comfort you brushed to us. Love you pa! I'll always pray for you. ;)

Now, meet my ever-loving brother! <3

The first of my 12345678777 days of existence xD cc to Jeff Harold Uy my friendship for the dare conference hahahaha

Thank you, LORD for this wonderful opportunity of reconciling with my Kuya. Thank you LORD for opening my eyes to the things I need to change in myself in order to love Kuya the way He needs to be loved. <3

Now, meet my Kuya's Family: Ate Haje (the very wonderful ate, now I can say I have a sister), Baby Princess (ang makulit na bata, she's so intelligent though) and Baby Rika ("DIRE" that 's her favorite word, very affirmative haha)

"Children are a gift from the Lord..." (Psalm 127:3)

They have the same face hahahaha

Uhhhhhh I so love this picture, very cute ;)

Ate Haje is so pretty :D

And now, a peak of our first complete Family Picture: (taken on the 1st of January, 2016)

Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”

In conclusion, love your neighbors as you love yourself. Your family is your closest neighbor. Share them the love that comes from God! <3

Lord, I declare your promise, in Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN! God bless us all. <3

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