Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Writers' League #4: The 'No-Writer-At-All' Who Writes

"First, you set  out to write a character in a story... then very quickly you realize the book was set out to write you."

"In writing, we must create living people; not characters."

Kinder: Listening to Disney Princesses' stories hoping one day my life would end up like theirs... a happily ever after
They are every 90's babies answer to "Who I want to be when I grow up"

I would always want to label myself as Princess Belle: The princess who sees beyond appearance.

Elementary: Making up stories of my own inspired by the "very realistic" *sarcastic smile* ALAMAT NG PINYA who made Mama happy because it made me believe that if I will not obey my parents, I'd be cursed to have many eyes... yes, pineapple
This is Pina, the girl who turned into a pineapple. HAHAHA
One of the funniest things I did when I was on the 6th grade is when I wrote horror stories in a booklet and made my classmates read it for a 1P charge. I can still remember one of the stories, t'was entitled: Ang Babaeng Nahulog sa Balon at Naging Sadako" Hahahaha! xD

High School: Writing stories for the aim of gaining more readers than my writing buddy, George Vincent Gellena. I can still remember how confident we are to call them "OUR VERY OWN WRITTEN NOVELS" though the grammar was of a kindergarten struggling to create a simple sentence.
Gorgeous Goryo and Jesh, the aspiring writers of SNS HAHAHA
We finished 'NOVELS' about the loveteams in our classroom. His story was about Sarah and Daniel. I forgot his title. HAHAHA And mine was the story of Ketz and Camille entitled "I Love You, Goodbye". My story was similar to the plot of Meteor Garden... but swear, it was my original work HAHAHA

COLLEGE: Learning and writing and learning and writing again. And now... I can say that I'm inspired to write than ever, because of my greatest inspiration, the greatest WRITER of all... GOD. <3

My life story is written by God... every page of it, 'til the last chapter.

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
(Psalm 139:16)

And I also thank Ma'am Montallana for bringing out the best in us, for reawakening my first love for writing, for once again making me hold a pen and sit down and think for a century only to find out that I was able to make only one short paragraph. haha xD
Ma'am Sassy: Our Wordsmith

Last week's lesson taught me that I need to have my own voice in writing. I thought I already have one, but I'm not consistent with it. Hahahaha bt I'm still a noob writer, still trying to open the door of imaginations, unveiling the curtains of the Writers' World.

To God be all the glory!

"Every life has a story, every story has a writer, and God's writing is perfect."

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