Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Writers' League #6: Blessings through Raindrops, Healing through Tears

Love your Mother. :)
I can't get over with the 'POEMS wave' yet. I am still trying to figure out the kind of poet that I am. I'm kinda loving writing poems now. Especially now that I'm very inspired due to the many challenges God had allowed me to experience. Just last week, Mom went to Tacloban twice to see a doctor. On her first attempt, she was accompanied by Papa. They left without even letting me bid goodbyes to them 'cause I was at school. When I went home expecting Mama and Papa were still there, I saw Kuya with his friends instead. I went upstairs and cried. I saw their room empty. Then reality went crashing down on me...

Mom is sick.

I remembered the times I neglected her, the moments I wasted not showing her the love I have for her. And I'm still unsure of Mom's condition. I was worried, but I know I shouldn't be. To rebuke myself, I prayed. And I thank God, for being faithful to His promise when He said, "I am your comforter, Your refuge in times of trouble."

I don't have any communication with them, my cellphone got lost. The only way I could connect with them is through prayer.

Two days late, after I was rejected on an online job application, I went home still very hopeful... that though I was not accepted to be an online tutor, I would see Mom and Dad that night. Nothing else matters, I just miss the both of them.

When I was meters away from the house, I felt different. Something's wrong. People are outside the house. What's happening???

Then I saw Papa having bruises and was not able to move his legs. He got into an accident while on his way home riding his motor.

We urgently brought him to the hospital.

It was difficulty after difficulty. Dad even said jokingly, "Tikang pala ngani kami ha hospital ha Tacloban, tas makadi na liwat hospital." No doubt, he is the strongest Dad ever!

I wanted to be strong for Mom and Dad. Instead of crying and feeling sorry for myself, I opened my Bible, and asked for God's strength. He remained faithful to His promises when He comforted me with the verse "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Take heart, Jessa.
Take heart, Jessa.
Take heart, Jessa.
Take heart, Jessa.

I can hear God whispering to me these words repeatedly.

Thank God, Papa is okay. We went home and I know it was a blessing in disguise because we ate as a family. It is a very rare scenario. Therefore, it was still a good day.

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